
教师学习和学习方法研究进展与课题 被引量:11

Research Progress and Issues of Teacher Learning and Learning Methods
摘要 发端于上个世纪80年代教师知识研究,经过30年的努力,揭示了有效教师应该具备知识的构造和特征,尤其是揭示了教师实践性知识的个人性、情境性、隐性,甚至包含教师信念和价值观等特征,由此开启了"教师学习"、"学习教学"和"学会教"的教师研究新时代。这一学术思潮对教师教育与教育实践研究最重要贡献是,它阐释了教师学习的复杂性、缓慢性和不确定性,强调了基于实践的教师学习,是促进教师专业发展唯一可控制的手段等观点。该领域研究的结论,为今后的教师教育及教师专业发展,指明了一条嵌入式和情境化的接近取向。 The researches of teacher knowledge originated in the 1980s, after 30 years' efforts, they have revealed the structure and characteristic of the knowledge that effective teachers should have, and especially shown the personal, situational and tacit nature of the teacher practical knowledge, even include the characteristic of the teacher belief and values. The research opened a new era of "teacher learning", "learning teaching"and "learn to teach". The most important contribution of this academic ideological trend to the research of teacher education and education practice is that it illustrates the complexity, slowness and uncertainty of teacher learning, and emphasizes the idea that the teacher learning based practice is the only way which can be controlled to promote teacher professional development.#The conclusions of the research area indicate an orientation which is close to the embedded and situational approach for teacher education and professional development of teachers in the future.
出处 《远程教育杂志》 CSSCI 2011年第5期22-33,共12页 Journal of Distance Education
基金 国家社会科学基金“十一五”规划2010年度教育学一般课题“基于网络校际协作学习的相互启发原理和多样性学习理论研究”(课题批准号:BCA100021)系列成果之一
关键词 教师学习 学会教 实践性知识 教学视频 叙事 Teacher learning Learn to teach Practical knowledge Teaching video Narrative
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