
执行器硬件冗余度求解算法 被引量:5

An Algorithm for Actuator H Ardware Redundancy Rate
摘要 针对一类线性系统,根据已有的保性能状态反馈控制器的存在条件,设计完成状态反馈控制器。针对由状态反馈控制器构成的闭环系统,分析执行器各通道增益误差与保性能指标之间的关系。考虑执行器的增益误差模型,提出执行器增益误差的容忍区间,容忍因子和硬件冗余度的概念。进而,利用线性矩阵不等式(LMI)的优化理论,给出确定容忍区间、容忍因子和执行器硬件冗余度的算法。最后,一个数值例子计算执行器的增益误差的容忍区间,容忍因子和硬件冗余度,说明所提方法的有效性和可行性。 For a class of linear systems,the state feedback controllers are presented based on a condition for the existence of guaranteed cost state feedback controllers.This paper analyses the relationship between actuator gain error of each channel and guaranteed cost for closed-loop systems with state feedback controllers.Concepts of tolerate interval,tolerate factor of actuator gain error and hardware redundancy rate are presented.Considering mathematical model of actuator gain error,an algorithm is given to determine the tolerate interval,the tolerate factor and the hardware redundancy rate via optimization problems with linear matrix inequality(LMI)constraints.A numerical example is also given to illustrate the design procedures and their effectiveness.
出处 《计算技术与自动化》 2011年第3期83-86,共4页 Computing Technology and Automation
基金 辽宁省科学基金资助(20092045)
关键词 硬件冗余度 容忍因子 容忍区间 增益误差 保性能控制 线性矩阵不等式 线性系统 hardware redundancy tolerate factor tolerate interval gain error guaranteed cost control linear matrix inequality linear systems
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