该文介绍了贝加莱(B&R)伺服控制和网络通讯技术在卫星式柔版印刷机中的应用。针对由贝加莱的PCC、ACO—POSmulti伺服驱动器和EtherNet POWERLINK实时工业以太网构建的伺服控制系统,作者具体分析了该印刷机控制系统的设计思路和应用方案,重点阐述了该柔版印刷机的工作原理与主要功能实现、控制系统的构成与配置、主要控制部件及软件系统。
This paper deals with the application of B&R's technologies of servo control and network communication to the satel-lite flexo printing machine. In allusion to the servo control system structured by B&R's PCC, ACOPOSmuhi servo drives and Ethernet POWERLINK real-time industrial Ethernet, the author concretely analyzes the train of designing thought and the application scheme of the printing machine control system with the emphasis on the elaborations of the working principle and main functions implementing of the flexo printing machine, the composition and configuration of the control system, and the major control units as well as the software system.
Automation Information