目的探讨吸入不同浓度薰衣草精油对高血压患者血压的影响及其可能作用机制。方法选择原发性高血压患者嗅觉检查采用改良康涅狄格州化学感觉临床研究中心(CCCRC)的方法检测嗅觉正常167例和嗅觉缺失30例。嗅觉正常患者随机分为四组,分别吸入薰衣草精油浓度为100%、1%、1‰、蒸馏水和嗅觉缺失组吸入1%薰衣草精油后均采用24 h动态血压仪观测血压和心率变化;并测定实验前后血浆肾素活性(PRA)、血管紧张素I(AngI)、血管紧张素Ⅱ(AngⅡ)、醛固酮(ALD)和去甲肾上腺素(NE)等指标。结果 (1)100%薰衣草精油组吸入后15 min平均动脉压(MAP)下降(P<0.05),作用持续2 h;1%薰衣草精油组吸入后15 min MAP下降(P<0.05),作用持续5 h;1‰薰衣草精油组吸入30 min后MAP下降(P<0.05),作用持续30 min。蒸馏水组血压没有明显变化(P>0.05)。四组实验前后心率均没有显著变化;(2)1%薰衣草精油组吸入1%薰衣草精油后血浆PRA、AngI、AngⅡ、ALD和NE均降低,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05),AngI差异没有显著性(P>0.05);而嗅觉缺失组吸入1%薰衣草精油和蒸馏水组吸入蒸馏水后血浆PRA、AngI、AngⅡ、ALD和NE均无明显变化(P>0.05)。结论吸入3种不同浓度薰衣草精油均能降低高血压患者MAP,其中1%薰衣草精油组血压降低较明显,作用时间久,且对心率均没有影响。其作用机制是薰衣草精油通过嗅觉通路降低血浆PRA、AngⅡ、ALD和NE的浓度而降低血压。
Aim To investigate the inhalation of effect different concentrations of lavender essential oil on blood pressure in hypertensive patients and its possible mechanism.Methods Patients with essential hypertension were checked by the improved olfactory sensation method of Connecticut Clinical Research Center of Chemistry(CCCRC).167 cases detected had normal sense of smell and 30 cases of anosmia.Sinuses were randomly divided into 4 groups,respectively,with the concentration of inhalation of lavender essential oil 100%,1%,1 ‰,distilled water and lack of sense of smell lavender essential oil group,with inhalation of 1%.All of them were observed by 24 h ambulatory in blood pressure device in blood pressure and heart rate;and plasma renin activity(PRA),angiotensin I(AngI),angiotensin Ⅱ(AngⅡ),aldosterone(ALD) and norepinephrine(NE) were measured.Results For 100% lavender essential oil group after inhalation 15min mean arterial pressure(MAP) decreased(P0.05),which lasted for 2h;for 1% lavender essential oil group after inhalation 15min MAP decreased(P0.05),which lasted for 5h;for 1 ‰ lavender essential oil group MAP decreased after 30min inhalation(P0.05),which lasted for 30min;For distilled water group blood pressure did not change significantly(P0.05).Before and after experiment there were no significant changes in heart rate.For 1% lavender essential oil group after inhalation of 1% lavender essential oil plasma PRA,AngI,AngⅡ,ALD and NE decreased,with statistically significant difference(P0.05),while AngI difference was not statistically significant(P0.05).And for anosmia group after inhalation of 1% lavender essential oil and for distilled water groups after inhalation of distilled water,PRA,AngI,AngⅡ,ALD,and NE in plasma had no significant changes(P0.05).Conclusion Inhaling 3 different concentrations of lavender essential oil can reduce high blood pressure in patients with MAP,of which 1% lavender essential oil reduced blood pressure more significantly,play the role of a long time,and has no effect on heart rate.The mechanism is to decreased blood pressure by reducing plasma PRA,AngⅡ,ALD,and the concentration of NE through the olfactory pathway of lavender essential oil.
Anhui Medical and Pharmaceutical Journal
olfactory pathway
blood pressure