
海洛因依赖与TPH1 rs1799913和TPH2 rs4570625多态性的关联研究 被引量:1

Association study of heroin dependence with the polymorphisms of TPH1 rs1799913 and TPH2 rs4570625
摘要 目的:探讨中国汉族人群中海洛因依赖与色氨酸羟化酶1(TPH1)基因rs1799913和TPH2基因rs4570625多态性的关联性。方法:应用聚合酶链式反应(PCR)扩增技术及DNA测序分别测定189例海洛因依赖患者及195例正常人TPH1基因rs1799913多态性和TPH2基因rs4570625多态性的基因型。结果:海洛因依赖患者与正常人TPH1基因rs1799913多态性(基因型:χ2=0.496,P>0.05;等位基因χ2=0.004,P>0.05)和TPH2基因rs4570625多态性(基因型:χ2=2.043,P>0.05;等位基因χ2=2.148,P>0.05)的基因型和等位基因频率的比较均无显著性差异。结论:汉族人群TPH1基因rs1799913和TPH2基因rs4570625的多态性与海洛因依赖的易患性可能缺乏一定的关系。 Objective: To investigate a possible relationship between heroin-dependence and the polymorphisms of tryptophan hydroxylase 1 (TPH1) gene rs1799913 and TPH2 gene rs4570625 in Chinese Han population. Methods: Genotype and allele frequen- cies of the TPH1 rs1799913 polymorphism and TPH2 rs4570625 polymorphism were examined in 189 heroin-addicts and 195 normal controls by Polymerase Chain-Restriction (PCR) amplification and DNA sequencing techniques. Results: No significant differences in the genotype and allele frequencies of TPH1 rs1799913 ( genotype : χ2 = 0. 496, P 〉 0. 05 ; allele : χ2= 0. 004, P 〉 0. 05 ) and TPH2 s4570625 ( genotype : χ2 = 2. 043, P 〉 0.05 ; aUele :χ2 = 2. 148, P 〉 0. 05 ) were observed between heroin-dependent subjects and normal controls. Conclusion :The resuhs suggest that liability to heroin dependence may not be associated with the polymorphisms of TPH1 rs1799913 and TPH2 rs4570625 in Chinese Han population.
机构地区 厦门市仙岳医院
出处 《中国药物滥用防治杂志》 CAS 2011年第5期250-253,共4页 Chinese Journal of Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment
基金 厦门市卫生局2006年度医学科研立项(WSK0635)
关键词 海洛因依赖 色氨酸羟化酶 多态性 Heroin dependence The tryptophan hydroxylase Polymorphisms
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