
教师专业发展的内涵与历史发展 被引量:72

A Meta-analysis and Syenthsis of Research Concerning Teacher Professional Development
摘要 通过对教师专业化、教师专业发展、教师专业性等相关概念的内在逻辑关系及其发展演变的梳理,关于"教师专业发展"内涵的各种诠释以及它们之间的历史转承,可以得到清晰的重构。教师专业发展是对教师专业化理路加以扬弃的选择,而教师专业性的诉求则是教师专业发展的内在依据和根本动力。教师专业发展的持续开展也有助于提升教师专业化的程度。 By analyzing the differences and relationship among concepts of teacher professional development, teacher professionalization and teacher professionalism, this article aims at reconstructing the whole picture of all kinds of interpretations of teacher professional development. It reveals that teacher professional development and teacher professionalization are two sides of the same coin, and the expectations of teacher professionalism can influence the contents and ways of activities of teacher professional development
作者 王晓莉
出处 《教育发展研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第18期38-47,共10页 Research in Educational Development
基金 2011年教育部人文社科青年基金项目"教育改革背景下教师专业伦理建构的实证研究"(11YJC880117)的部分成果
关键词 教师专业发展 教师专业化 教师专业性 teacher professional development teacher professionalization teacher professionalism
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