
头孢氨苄的紫外分光光度法测定 被引量:1

Determination of Cefalexin Injection by Ultraviolet Spectrophotometric Method
摘要 本研究应用紫外分光光度计法测定了头孢氨苄注射液中头孢氨苄的含量,以建立一种准确、简单的测定方法,用于头孢氨苄注射液的含量测定。头孢氨苄在紫外光区有最大吸收值,且最大吸收波长为261nm。以261nm为测定波长做标准曲线,得到回归方程为:y=0.0224x,R2=0.9996。此法快捷简便,适用于兽药及动物性食品中药物残留分析。 In order to establish an accurate and simple method for the content of cephalexin injection determination, a method by UV spectrophotometer was conducted in this study. Results showed that the maximum wavelength of cephalexin in ultraviolet was 261nm. The standard curve was established and the regression equation was y=0.0224x, R2=0.9996. This method is fast, simple and applicable to analysis veterinary drugs and drugs residues in animal food.
出处 《中国奶牛》 2011年第18期59-61,共3页 China Dairy Cattle
关键词 紫外分光光度计 头孢氨苄注射液 快速检测 UV spectrophotometer Cephalexin injection Rapid detection
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