

A Verifiable Multi-Secret Sharing Scheme Differentiating the Roles of the Sharers
摘要 针对前期研究中可区分秘密分享者角色的防欺诈秘密共享方案不能抵抗秘密分发者欺诈的缺点,提出一个改进的可区分共享者角色的可验证的多秘密共享方案.该方案不仅能抵抗共享者的欺骗,也能抵抗秘密分发者的欺诈;各共享者的秘密份额可以重复使用,每个共享者仅需维护一个秘密份额即可共享多个秘密;同时可以方便地实现数字签名,是一个可验证的多秘密共享方案. In view of the shortcomings in resisting the secret dealer's fraud in the anti-fraud secret-sharing scheme differentiating the roles of the secret sharers put forwarded in early time,the author proposed an improved verifiable multi-secret sharing scheme differentiating the roles of the secret sharers.This scheme is able to resist the fraud from sharers and share dealers,and it can only one reusable secret shadow is required to be kept by each sharer for sharing multiple secrets,and it can easily realize the implementation of digital signature.
作者 刘恒
出处 《郑州大学学报(工学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2011年第5期77-79,共3页 Journal of Zhengzhou University(Engineering Science)
基金 广西省自然科学基金资助项目(0832286) 广西教育科学"十一五"规划项目(2008B40) 玉林师范学院青年科研资助项目(2009YJQN12)
关键词 多秘密共享 共享者角色 可验证 数字签名 multi-secret sharing role of the secret sharers verifiable digital signature
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