域名解析系统DNS(Domain Name System)是互联网的一项核心服务,用于将域名和IP地址相互映射,使用户不用专门记忆网站的IP,通过域名就可以方便地访问互联网。文中主要介绍了在Linux系统下使用BIND9建立智能DNS系统,来实现安全、高效、低成本的域名解析服务。在此基础上,结合企业具体情况,研究实现了域名镜像、双主DNS、链路健康探测等功能。最后对动态DNS探测、多数据中心的DNS体系实现进行了展望。
This article describes how to build up the intelligent DNS server with BIND9 in the Linux system,and thus to achieve safe,efficient and low-cost domain-name resolution service.Based on the specific situation of the enterprise,the functions like domain-name mirror image,double DNS,link status detection are studied and implemented.Finally,the implementations of dynamic DNS detection and multi-data-center DNS system are forecasted.
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