
Sino-Canadian Energy Relations:Opportunities,Challenges and Development Path

Sino-Canadian Energy Relations:Opportunities,Challenges and Development Path
摘要 Global oil markets are increasingly jittery because of the recent political turbulence in North Africa and the Middle East,prompting China to seek more cooperation with other countries in the field of unconventional energy resources.Considering form the perspective of a hedging strategy,China should expand its cooperation with developed energy-exporting countries.China and Canada are highly complementary in the areas of energy exploration and mutual trade and this provides a broad space for their energy cooperation.However,up until now,this potential has not yet been fully explored,and there have been few substantial achievements in bilateral energy cooperation.Various reasons,including economical and political,can be attributed to this.The Chinese government and enterprises should both make efforts to overcome obstacles and make good use of all advantages to further develop energy cooperation with Canada,so as to realize greater energy politics and economic interests. Global oil markets are increasingly jittery because of the recent political turbulence in North Africa and the Middle East, prompting China to seek more cooperation with other countries in the field of unconventional energy resources. Considering form the perspective of a hedging strategy, China should expand its cooperation with developed energy-exporting countries. China and Canada are highly complementary in the areas of energy exploration and mutual trade and this provides a broad space for their energy cooperation. However, up until now, this potential has not yet been fully explored, and there have been few substantial achievements in bilateral energy cooperation. Various reasons, including economical and political, can be attributed to this. The Chinese government and enterprises should both make efforts to overcome obstacles and make good use of all advantages to further develop energy cooperation with Canada, so as to realize greater energy politics and economic interests.
出处 《Contemporary International Relations》 2011年第4期30-45,共16页 现代国际关系(英文版)
基金 supported by the Scientific Foundation of Chinese Postdoctoral Education (Financial Aid No.: 20100470339)
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