
South China Sea:Disputes and Great Powers

South China Sea:Disputes and Great Powers
摘要 In the South China Sea disputes,China has ample proof to claim sovereignty over the Xisha Islands(the Paracel Islands)and Nansha Islands(the Spratly Islands)while the claims of certain southeast Asian countries do not hold any water.The South China Sea disputes have their origins in the San Francisco Peace Treaty signed in 1951,the result of intervention by the United States and Great Britain in regional affairs.Even today,the United States has not discarded its Cold War mentality and continues to intervene in the South China Sea disputes.The only change in the United States' attitude is that it has changed its pretext for intervention from "containing Communist expansion" in the past to "preserving freedom of navigation in the South China Sea" in the present. In the South China Sea disputes, China has ample proof to claim sovereignty over the Xisha Islands (the Paracel Islands) and Nansha Islands (the Spratly Islands) while the claims of certain southeast Asian countries do not hold any water. The South China Sea disputes have their origins in the San Francisco Peace Treaty signed in 1951, the result of intervention by the United States and Great Britain in regional affairs. Even today, the United States has not discarded its Cold War mentality and continues to intervene in the South China Sea disputes. The only change in the United States' attitude is that it has changed its pretext for intervention from "containing Communist expansion" in the past to "preserving freedom of navigation in the South China Sea" in the present.
出处 《Contemporary International Relations》 2011年第4期69-92,共24页 现代国际关系(英文版)
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  • 1"China Demanded Vietnam to Stop Invading Nansha Islands," Worm Daily (the Philippines), 11 June 2011: 9.
  • 2David Jenkins, "A 2000-year-old Claim," Far Eastern Economic Review, August 7, 1981: 32.
  • 3《海军巡弋南沙海疆经过》,台湾学生书局1975年印行,第77页.
  • 4Bob Catley and Makmur Keliat, Spratlys: The Dispute in the South China Sea, Great Britain: Biddies Limited, 1997, 37-38.
  • 5Aileen San Pablo-Baviers ed., "The South China Sea Disputes: Philippine Perspective," New Manila, Philippine China Development Resource Center & Philippine Association for Chinese Studies, 1992, 53.
  • 6Aileen San Pablo-Baviers ed., "The South China Sea Disputes: Philippine Perspective," New Manila, Philippine China Development Resource Center & Philippine Association for Chinese Studies, 1992, 20.
  • 7K. Das, "Perched on a Claim," Far Eastern Economic Review, September 29, 1983: 40-41.
  • 8“李准巡海记”,天津《大公报》,1933年8月10日.
  • 9United Kingdom Hydrographic Office, China Sea Pilot, First Edition, London, 1937, Vol. 1,107.
  • 10Monique Chemillier-Gendrean, SovereigntY over the Paracel and Spratly Islands, Klumer Law International, The Hague, 2000, 185-186.








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