

On-Line Determination of Total Iron in Water by Quantitative-Tube Equential Injection Spectrometry
摘要 选用邻菲啰啉作为显色剂,采用顺序注射环定量(SIA)光度法,结合一整套系统的PLC程序,成功建立了测定水中总铁的新方法.实验过程中对各条件进行了优化,在最优条件下,体系的检测范围为0~10 mg/L,线性回归方程为A=0.0995c+0.0421(c:mg/L,n=8),相关系数r为0.999 6,方法检出限为0.02 mg/L,相对标准偏差(RSD)为2.3%(0.50 mg/L,n=11)和1.7%(2.00 mg/L,n=11),实际水样的加标回收率为97.1%~102.0%. A new method for the determination of total iron in water with 1,10-Phenanthroline as the chromogenic agent was developed using the quantitative-tube sequential injection spectrometry coupled with a completely set of PLC program system.Under optimized conditions,the detection range is 0~10 mg/L,the linear regression equation is A = 0.0995 c + 0.0421(c: mg/L,n=8) with correlation coefficient of 0.9996.The detection limit was 0.02 mg/L,and the recoveries of environmental samples were between 97.1%~102.0% with the relative standard deviation less than 2.3%.
出处 《分析测试技术与仪器》 CAS 2011年第3期164-168,共5页 Analysis and Testing Technology and Instruments
关键词 总铁 顺序注射环定量 邻菲啰啉 在线分析 水质 total iron quantitative-tube sequential injection 1 10-Phenanthroline on-line determination water quality
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