
美国注册学徒制职业培训新政解读:困境与变革 被引量:5

An Analysis of the Revised Regulations of Registered Apprenticeship in America:Dilemma and Changes
摘要 注册学徒制作为提高劳动力素质、培养合格技术工人的重要形式,在许多发达国家广泛实施。美国推行注册学徒制时间长、范围广,在培训方式、运行管理等方面形成具代表性、典型性的较为完善的体系。为适应社会经济发展需要,克服部分企业投入乏力、优良师资匮乏、注册认证程序繁琐和培训时间过长等问题,美国政府从2008年起通过增加资金投入、创新培训模式、强化绩效评估等举措,推行注册学徒制新政。解析美国注册学徒制的实际运行和发展态势,对于促进我国职业教育和培训工作,具有一定的参考价值。 As the dominant way of improving labor quality and cultivating qualified skilled workers, the Registered Apprenticeship has been implemented in many developed countries. In America,it has been implemented for a long time and in wide range , which has formed ferfect system in training manner and operation management. To meet the social and economic development needs, and overcome some businesses less invest, lack of good teachers, cumbersome registration and certification program , long training time and other issues, the U.S. government has implemented the revised registered apprenticeship since 2008 through increased capital investment, innovation of training model, and strengthening performance evaluation. The analysis on the practical operation and developing trend Of registered apprenticeship in America can offer some reference and consult for China's vocational education and training system.
作者 陈圆 蒋颖
出处 《外国教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第10期75-79,共5页 Studies in Foreign Education
关键词 美国 注册学徒制 职业培训 困境 变革 America Registered Apprenticeship vocational training dilemma changes
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