
全球治理视角下的教育援非:问题与策略 被引量:3

Education Aid to Africa under the Perspective of Global Governance:Problems and Strategies
摘要 教育援非涉及全球共同关注的地域"非洲"、全球共同的议题"教育"以及全球共同的诉求"发展",日益成为一个全球积极参与和共同治理的领域。其成效明显,促进了非洲教育的发展,但在援助理念、模式、经费、效率等方面仍存在着许多问题。基于其成效和不足,在全球"善治"的视角下,教育援非需以建设"和谐世界"为导向,以"以非为本、平等相待、合作共赢"为理念,实施"多方合作、多模式运作、多层次目标"的援助。 Education aid to Africa rehtes to "Africa" where gasps the global common attention , "education" which is the global common issue and "development" which is the global common aspiration. It is now increasingly becoming a global actively participated and governed area. Though it has an obvious success and promotes ~the development of African education, there are a lot of problems in the aspects of rationale ,model, fund and efficiency. Based on the success and problems,from the perspective of good global governance, education aid to Africa should adopt the rationales of "Africa-based" ,"equal-relationship",and "mutual- benefits" , use the models of "multi-stakeholders cooperation" , "multi -modes operation" , and "multi ,goals achievement" and be directed to build one "harmonious world".
作者 李薇
出处 《外国教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第10期80-84,共5页 Studies in Foreign Education
关键词 教育援非 全球治理 问题 策略 Education Aid to Africa Global Governance problem strategy
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