
灌区参与式管理改革的双向互动:甘肃个案 被引量:1

Participatory Irrigation Management Reform in Two-way Interaction:the Case of Gansu
摘要 "农民用水户协会"作为灌区体制进行参与式管理改革的经验,已在全国普遍地推广。这一来自国外的经验理论如何在中国本土生根发芽,是需要探索的问题。以甘东灌区为例,探讨灌区管理中"农民用水户协会"的效度与限度,并进一步分析灌区管理主体的运作方式,政府部门在灌区管理中应承担的责任,结果表明,由于农业灌溉没有利润空间、市场主体不愿进入、农民参与不足,用水户协会并不能解决自身产生的问题,这时更需要政府部门的介入以实现农村水利事业的可持续发展。 "farmers' water user association", as the experience of irrigation system for participatory management reform, has been promoted in the whole country. How to take root for foreign experience and theory in China needs to explore. Taking irrigation district of eastern Gansu Province for an example, the paper discusses the validity and limitation of "farmer water user association" in irrigation management, and analyses the main operation mode of the irrigation management. The government departments in the management of irrigation district should bear the responsibility. The results show that, due to agricultural irrigation being non-profit, market main body being unwilling to enter, farmers' participation being not enough, water use association cannot solve their own problems, which needs the government intervention in the rural areas in order to achieve sustainable development of water conservancy.
作者 陈靖
出处 《重庆社会科学》 CSSCI 2011年第10期39-44,共6页 Chongqing Social Sciences
关键词 农民用水户协会 参与式管理 灌区管理 farmers 'water user association, participatory management, irrigation district management
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