
“云”数字图书馆信息安全与对策研究 被引量:8

A Study of Information Security and its Strategy in Digital Library Based on Cloud Computing
摘要 "云"计算是一种新兴的共享基础架构方法。"云"计算在给用户带来便利与高效的同时,用户信息资产安全与隐私保护也受到极大的冲击与挑战。文章分析了"云"图书馆面临的安全问题,并根据基础设施"云"平台特点,提出了"云"数字图书馆面向基础设施"云"的安全框架,以及解决"云"数字图书馆安全问题的对策。 Cloud computing is a new method of sharing infrastructure.It brings about the convenience and efficiency for users,but at the same time it aso hits the users' data security and privacy protection.This paper firstly analyzes the security problems of the digital library based on cloud computing and then according to the characteristics of infrastructure cloud platforms,it proposes the security framework and the security countermeasures for the new risks of the the digital library based on cloud computing.
作者 陈臣 马晓亭
机构地区 兰州商学院
出处 《高校图书馆工作》 CSSCI 2011年第5期58-60,共3页 Library Work in Colleges and Universities
关键词 “云”计算 “云”图书馆 信息安全 对策 Cloud computing.Library based on cloud computing.Information security.Countermeasures
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