

Design and Research of Aeronautical Weapon Data Link MAC Protocol
摘要 MAC协议是航空武器数据链组网通信的重要技术,网络的性能依赖于所采用的多址接入协议,也是航空武器数据链研究的难点之一。固定分配、竞争和预约三大类MAC协议各有优缺点以及适应场景,需要根据应用需求设计对应的多址接入协议,以满足通信网络的战术和技术性能指标。在分析数字化战场通信网络——战术数据链组网通信应用的主要MAC协议的基础上,结合航空武器数据链的通信特点和体系结构,提出一种基于固定分配TDMA的航空武器数据链MAC协议——ODTCFMA协议,并对协议的时延性能进行了仿真和分析。分析结果表明,该协议能够同时满足编队战术协同和武器制导的低时延要求,对航空武器数据链的研究具有一定的借鉴意义。 MAC protocol is an important technology in communication network of aeronautical weap- on data link, Depending on the used MAC protocol, network performance is also one of the main technical difficulties in the research of AWDL. The three kinds of MAC protocols, fixed allocation, reservation and competition, have advantages, disadvantages and adaption scene. The corresponding multiple access protocol is designed based on application requirements to meet the requirements of the tactical and techni- cal communication network performance. The digital battlefield communications network MAC protocol is analyzed based on the combined characteristics and architecture of AWDL, and a TDMA based on fixed allocation MAC of aeronautical weapon data link:ODTCFMA protocol is proposed, then the protocol per- formance is simulated and analyzed. The analysis shows the MAC meets the requirements of both the for- mational tactical cooperation and the weapon guidance of low delay, which has reference significance for the research of AWDL.
出处 《现代防御技术》 北大核心 2011年第5期60-65,共6页 Modern Defence Technology
基金 陕西省自然科学基金(2010JM8008)
关键词 航空武器数据链 多址接入 时延 OPNET aeronautical weapon data link muhiple access protocol(MAC) time delay OPNET
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