目的研究CD20和CD68在经典型霍奇金淋巴瘤(CHL)中的表达及其与临床病理特征和近期疗效的关系。方法收集2005年7月至2010年5月初治的14例CHL石蜡标本,HE染色及免疫组化法行CD20和CD68染色。以高于10%的HRS细胞表达CD20、CD68作为阳性标准。应用SPSS13.0统计软件进行数据处理分析。结果 14例CHL中,CD20、CD68高表达均为4例(28.6%),低表达均为10例(71.4%)。年龄≥45岁3例,其中CD20、CD68低表达均为0例,高表达均为3例;年龄<45岁11例,其中CD20、CD68低表达均为10例,高表达均为1例;其表达均与年龄有关(P=0.011),与性别、肿瘤分期、肿瘤分型、肿瘤大小、B症状等均无相关性(P>0.05)。在CHL中CD20表达与CD68表达无相关性(r=-0.400,P=0.156)。在观察近期化疗疗效中,CD20高表达组4例,CR 3例,PR 1例,有效率100%;CD20低表达组10例,CR 4例,PR 3例,SD 1例,PD 2例,有效率70%。CD68高表达组4例,CR 1例,PR 2例,PD1例,有效率75%;CD68低表达组10例,CR 6例,PR 2例,SD 1例,PD 1例,有效率80%。结论①CD20、CD68在CHL中表达均与年龄有关(P=0.011),与其他临床病理特征无关。②在CHL中CD20表达与CD68表达无相关性(P>0.05)。③CD20高表达组近期疗效优于低表达组,CD68高表达组近期疗效劣于低表达组,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。
Objective To study the expression,clinical significance and short-term curative effect of CD20 and CD68 in patients with Classical Hodgkin's Lymphoma(CHL).Methods The expression of CD20 and CD68 were detected by immunohistochemical staining(SP) assay in 14 CHL cases,tumor morphology was observed with HE staining.The relation between CD20 and CD68 and short-term curative effect were studied.Results In the 14 CHL specimens,4(26.8%)cases showed high-expression of CD20 and CD68,10(71.1%) showed low-expression of CD20 and CD68.3 were aged≥45 years,no case showed low-expression of CD20 and CD68 and 3 cases showed high-expression.11 cases were aged45 years,10 showed low-expression of CD20 and CD68 and 1 showed high-expression.The expression of CD20 and CD68 in patients with CHL was related to age(P=0.011),and wasnt relate to other clinical significance.It hadno relation between CD20and CD68 in the CHL.The effective rate of CD20 in high-expression group was higher(100%) than that in low-expression(70%),but the CD68 was inversely(75%vs.80%).Conclusions ① The expression of CD20 and CD68 in patients with CHL was relate to age(P=0.011),and wasnt related to other clinical significance.② It had no relation between CD20 and CD68 in the CHL.③The short-term curative effect of CD20 in high-expression group was better than that in low-expression,the CD68 was inversely.
Journal of Medical Forum