

Design of the Dual-Capacitor Compensation,Low Dropout Linear Regulator with a Transient-Enhanced Response
摘要 为适应现代电子产品对电源性能的较高要求,基于教学中应用的Spectre平台,采用源随器补偿方法设计了一种无片外电容的LDO稳压器。小补偿电容和大驱动能力的两级运放误差放大器,加快了电路的响应速度,提高了瞬态响应性能,并降低了输出电压波纹,从而增强了系统的稳定性。测试结果表明,电路的静态电流为30μA,工作输出电压为1.2 V,最大输出电流为100 mA,Vdrop为200 mV,相位裕度大于60°,在相应条件下的线性调整率SL、负载调整率So分别为0.05%(V/V),0.23%(V/A)。源随器补偿方法既可保证电路稳定工作,又能有效降低输出波纹和加快瞬态响应速度,已达到系统预期设计指标。 To meet the higher requirements of modern electronic products to the p ower performance,based on the Spectre platform of teaching,a off-chip capacito r LDO voltage regulator was presented with compensation used source follower and a small capacitor to block feedforward path.Error amplifier is a two stage amp lifier of high driving capability which can improve circuit speed and transient response,and reduce the output ripple.The test results show that the circuit w ith the static current of 30 μA,which owns the output voltage of 1.2 V,maxim um output current of 100 mA,and Vdrop for 200 mV,including the phase margin over 60°,the linear adjustment rate SLof 0.05%(V/V)and load adjustment rate So of 0.23%(V/A)under correspo nding conditions.The manager method with compensation used source follower,whi ch can guarantee circuit in good working order,and effectively reduce the outpu t ripple and speed up transient response,has been designed to achieve the system's anticipated targets.
出处 《半导体技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第10期791-794,799,共5页 Semiconductor Technology
基金 教育部宽禁带半导体材料与器件重点实验室开放基金项目资助 河西学院2010年度科研创新与应用校长基金项目资助(XZ20106)
关键词 低压差 源随器补偿 高瞬态响应增强电路 线性稳压器 设计 low dropout source follower compensation transient-enhanced circuit low dropout regulator(LDO) design
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