目的探讨医学图像中强化病灶边缘、提高图像清晰度及明确病变范围方法。方法采用VC++6.0编程,分别用Laplace、Prewitt、Sobel、Roberts等几个算子对医学图像进行边缘增强,找出各种方法的优势和不足。结果 Laplacian和Roberts算子增强效果好,但是降噪效果差;Prewitt、Sobel算子降噪效果好,增强能力差。结论对于结构复杂、噪声影响大的部位应多采用Prewitt、Sobel算子;对于结构简单、噪声影响小的部位应多采用Laplace、Roberts算子。
Objective To research the way of enhancing lesion edge, improving digital image definition and confirming disease area. Metholds To compare many classical edge enhancement algorithms (Roberts, Sobel, Prewitt, Laplace and so on) by using VC++6.0 program. Results The Roberts and Laplace algorithms are more effective than that of Prewitt and Sobel algorithms in image edge enhancement, but better in image denoising. Conclusion It is better use prwitt or sobel in images with complex structure and big noise effect, and to use laplace or Roberts in imangs with simple structure and little noise effect.
China Medical Devices