
19世纪前英国女性创作述评 被引量:3

Review of British Women Writers' Writings before the 19th Century
摘要 女性创作的繁荣是英国文学的一大特色。本文比较系统地梳理了19世纪之前英国女性创作的情况,并对之进行了简单的评述。女性作家在相当程度上改变了中世纪以来小说创作脱离现实的倾向,使其更加地贴近现实生活。同时,女性作家通过文学创作介入世界,展现女性的自我意识,也给后来的女性作家和女性创作以积极的影响。 British literature is characterized by abundant women' s literary creations. The paper gives a brief review of women' s writings before the 19th century after systematically sorting it out. Women writers' writings, to a certain extent, reversed the artificial tendency of popular romantic legends in the Middle Ages and early Renaissance, hence transforming them into modem realistic novels. Women' s involvement in the world through literature shows women' s waking consciousness, which has a far - reaching impact on women writers of later generations and their literary tradition.
作者 王琼
出处 《绍兴文理学院学报》 2011年第5期71-75,共5页 Journal of Shaoxing University
基金 2009年浙江省哲学社会科学规划办课题(编号09CGWW010YBQ)前期成果之一
关键词 英国女作家 中世纪 18世纪 女性意识 British female writers the Middle Ages the Renaissance the 18th century
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