目的研究眼眶爆裂性骨折采用微创结膜切口进行整复加Medpor植入手术的方法及效果。方法对我院2005年5月至2008年5月间眼眶爆裂性骨折32只眼采用全麻下微创结膜切口进行手术,同时记录手术时间,观察术后恢复时间、眼球内陷及复视矫正情况,术后颜面部皮肤瘢痕、畸形等并发症。结果 (1)手术时间短;(2)术后恢复快;(3)眼球内陷、复视矫正效果满意;(4)外观无切口外露;(5)无或很少发生并发症。结论眼眶爆裂性骨折采用全麻下微创结膜切口进行整复加Medpor植入手术:是一种无痛,安全,有效,损伤小,操作简便,并发症少,术后恢复快,皮肤无瘢痕的手术方法,值得推广采用。
Objective Our purpose is to investigate the methods and effect of compact conjunctiva incion + Medpor filling surgery in repairing of Orbital Blowout Fracture. Methods 32 eyes of Orbital Blowout Fracture were treated by compact conjunctiva incion surgery in general anesthesia from May. 2005 to May. 2008, at the same time we recorded surgery time, observed postoperative healing time, observed the corrective case of enophthalmos and diplopia, observed the complication of skin spot and deformation in face. Results 1. Surgery time was shorter. 2. Postoperative healing time was fast. 3. The corrective case of enophthalmos and diplopia were satisfied. 4. The cut was not exposed in appearance. 5. Complication was little. Conclusions Compact conjunctiva incion + Medpor filling surgery in general anesthesia was operative treatment, which was analgesia, safe, effective, little damage, easy operation, little complication, fast postoperative healing and no skin spot in face. It was worth spreading.
Chinese Medical Journal of Metallurgical industry
Compact surgery
Orbital blowout fracture