

CT and MRI Diagnosis of Warthin Tumor in Parotid Gland
摘要 目的:分析腮腺Warthin瘤CT、MRI影像学表现与相关临床特点,提高诊断准确性。方法:回顾性分析经手术病理证实的27例腮腺Warthin瘤的CT、MRI资料,其中CT检查22例,MRI检查5例,所有病例均做平扫及增强扫描。结果:27例病人中,男性24例,女性3例,年龄47~76岁,平均60.2岁,双侧单发6例,单侧多发1例,双侧多发3例,单侧单发17例;病灶最大径0.6~3.5cm,呈圆形或椭圆形,边界清楚,密度或信号均匀或不均;增强CT显示病灶实质区明显强化,增强MRI显示病灶呈不均匀强化。结论:腮腺Warthin瘤以男性多见,常见于50岁以上高龄男性,病史较长,表现为同侧腮腺增大,但淋巴结无增大;影像资料发现腮腺区单发或多发边界清楚类圆形病变,其内伴局灶性囊变坏死,增强扫描CT呈明显强化,MRI呈不均匀强化,结合病人年龄、性别和病变影像特点,应首先考虑Warthin瘤的诊断。 objective: To investigate the features of the CT and MRI and the relevant clinical characteristics of the warthin tumor in parotid gland.MATERIALS and Methods The CT and MRI features of 27 patients with operation and pathology confirmed warthin tumor in parotid gland were retrospectively analyzed.All patients were scanned by CT(8 patients) or MRI(9 patients),plain and enhanced CT or MRI scanning were performed in all of the cases.Results 27 cases included 24 men and 3 women.Their age ranged from 47 to 76 years old with mean age of 60.2 years.Six cases of single tumors were found in bilateral sides and unilateral side in 17 cases,multiple lesions in unilateral side in 1 cases and bilateral sides in 3 cases.The maximal cross-sectional diameter of the lesions ranged from 0.6 cm to 3.5 cm,lesions were round or oval,well-defined,homogeneous or heterogeneous soft tissue mass.The parenchyma of the tumors showed obvious enhancement on postcontrast CT,and heterogeneous enhancement on postcontrast MRI.Conclusion The warthin tumor in parotid gland are common in older men over the age of 50 with a long history,accompanied with enlarged parotid gland,but no increased lymph nodes.CT and MRI fingdings of the warthin tumor include single or multiple,round or oval,well-defined lesions in parotid gland region with focal capsule and necrosis,showing significant enhancement on postcontrast CT,and heterogeneous enhancement on postcontrast MRI scans.Combined with the patient's age,gender and imaging features,the diagnosis of warthin tumor should be highly considered.
出处 《医疗装备》 2011年第10期22-24,共3页 Medical Equipment
关键词 WARTHIN瘤 腮腺 体层摄影术 x线计算机 磁共振成像 warthin tumor parotid gland tomography X-ray computed magnetic resonance imaging
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