
航天器的故障建模与应用 被引量:8

The Fault Modeling and Application to Aerospace Engineering
摘要 针对航天器工程中的典型故障进行分析与建模。首先给出几种典型故障作用模式的具体数学形式,然后分别采用状态描述矩阵对执行机构和传感器故障进行刻画,其不同的取值对应上述不同的故障模式。另外,使用有界范数和凸面体两种形式对系统故障数学建模。通过对航天器工程中的部件故障建模可为故障诊断和容错设计提供必要的数学描述。最后通过实例简单说明如何将所得到的故障模型应用到航天器故障诊断与容错设计中。 The mathematical models of the typical faults in the aerospace engineering are investigated in this paper. First of all, the formal representations of the different types of fault modes are considered from engineering view. Based on the fault modes above mentioned, the actuator failure and sensor failure are modeled respectively by means of state matrix, whose different value corresponds to variant faults. With bounded norm and polytopic described, plant failure is approximated. Finally, The case study shows how to apply the fault models gained to fault detection and fault tolerant in aerospace engineering.
出处 《航天控制》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第5期22-29,共8页 Aerospace Control
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目(60774002 90405017)
关键词 航天器控制 执行器 传感器 故障建模 Spacecraft control Actuator Sensor Fault modeling
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