目的探讨卵巢黄体囊肿破裂的相关因素及临床特征。方法对263例卵巢黄体囊肿破裂患者进行回顾性分析。结果 263例均发生于黄体功能旺盛期,227例(85.9%)发生于月经黄体;36例(14.1%)发生于妊娠黄体;77%发生在右侧卵巢;性生活是其发病的主要诱因(65.1%);体重偏轻容易发生破裂(67.3%)。99.2%的患者以突发性下腹疼痛就医,95.4%不伴有阴道流血;初步诊断准确率为83.7%;62.0%的患者保守治疗成功。结论卵巢黄体囊肿破裂既发生于月经黄体,又发生于妊娠黄体,以右卵巢多见。性生活是黄体囊肿破裂的主要诱因,体型偏瘦的患者发生黄体破裂的概率增大。阴道流血是鉴别诊断的主要指标之一,诊断的准确性可以使保守治疗成功率提高。
Objective To investigate the clinical characteristics and related factors of rupture of ovarian corpus luteum cyst(ROCLC).Methods The clinical data of 263 cases of ROCLC was retrospectively studied.Results ROCLC of all the patients takes place in vigorous phase of luteal function,including 227 cases in menstrual corpus luteum(85.9%),36 cases in pregnant corpus luteum(14.1%).77% of the patients have the disease happened in the right ovary.The primary cause the disease is strenuous activity such as sexual intercourse(65.1%).Those weighing less are inclined to rupture easily(67.3%).99.2% of the patients were with sudden lower abdominal pain,and 95.4% of the patients were not complicated with vaginal bleeding.83.7% were diagnosed correctly in the fist diagnosis,and 62% were conservatively treated successfully.Conclusion ROCLC takes place in vigorous phase of ovarian function,mostly in the latter half phase of menstrual cycles,the pregnant cropus luteum,and the right ovary.Sexual intercourse were the primary cause for the rupture of ovarian corpus luteum cyst.The leanness tends to have higher incidence of the disease.Vaginal bleeding is one of the most important indicators for the diagnosis.The improvement of the accuracy of diagnosis can lead to the increase of the success rate of conservative treatment.
Hainan Medical Journal
Corpus luteum cyst
Related factors
Clinical characteristics