4Palmer's Company Law,Vo12,Sweet&Maxwell,London,1994.
5Governments Stock and Other Securities Investment Co.v.Manila Ry.Co.本案例及本文中引用的案例多来自L.S.Sealy:Cases and Materials in Company Law, 4th Edn,Butterworth, 1989.
6H. A. J. Ford: Principles of Company Law, Butterworths, 4th Edn, 1986.
7R. M. Goode: Commercial Law, Penguin Books, 1982.
8L. S. Sealy: Cases and Materials in Company Law, Butterworth, 4th Edn, 1989.
10L.C.B.Gower:Principles of Modern Company Law,Stevens & Sons,4th Edn,P474.