
质的研究范式与特殊教育研究:基于方法论的反思与倡议 被引量:22

Qualitative Research Paradigms and Special Education Research:Reflections and Advocacy from a Methodological Perspective
摘要 社会科学研究正经历着从实证主义向建构主义的范式变迁。特殊教育研究长期以来较好地坚持了科学实证主义的传统,但新的范式的接受和应用较慢。本文从方法论的角度探讨了质的研究范式与特殊教育研究之间的关系,从价值追求、实践和理论发展三个方面提出当今特殊教育的发展需要质的研究方法;认为特殊教育的研究应该走向多元的研究范式,即在坚守实证科学精神的同时,纳入建构与人文主义的情怀,在进一步规范逻辑验证性质的量的研究的过程中,加强对归纳探索性质的质的研究范式的探索与运用。文章最后倡议:特殊教育研究者积极转变研究范式,加强行动研究、叙事研究和个案研究等质的方法的运用,藉此丰富特殊教育的实践,探索丰富多彩的、具有本土化特征的特殊教育理论与模式。 Social science research is experiencing a paradigmatic change from positivism to constructivism Special education rescarch has been traditionally adhering to scientific positivism, but has made slow progress in accepting and applying new research paradigms. Therefore, this article, from a methodological point of view, probes into the relationship between qualitative research paraditpns and special education research, and, from the perspectives of the pursuit of value, as well as theory and practice, advocates that qualitative research methods are needed in the development of current special education research. The authors believe that special education research is supposed to target diversified paradigms, namely the integration of empirical science into constructiv- ism and humanism, and, in the course of further normalization of quantitative research featured by logic verifica- tion, further exploration and application of qualitative research paradigms characterized by induction. In conclu- sion, the article suggests that special education researchers should positively change research paradigms and in- tensify efforts on action research, narrative research, case studies, and other qualitative research paradigms, so as to enrich the practice of special education and probe into colorful and localized theories and modes of special education.
作者 邓猛 苏慧
出处 《中国特殊教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第10期3-8,共6页 Chinese Journal of Special Education
关键词 质的研究 特殊教育 方法论 qualitative research special education methodology
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