

A system of two teachers in one professional course teaching
摘要 双教师任课制度是在本科专业课教学中,一门课程安排两名教师任课的制度。按照一定的原则并采取适当的措施,双任课教师制度具有一些优点。其主要优点是在不影响教学秩序和教学效果的基础上教师在教学的时间安排上有一定的灵活性,避免教师在参加学术培训和交流时、在参加科研工作和工程实践时和教学时间发生冲突。 In the system of two teachers in one professional course,two teachers teach one undergraduate course.Subject to certain principles and to take appropriate measures,the system has a few advantages.The main advantage is that there is a certain degree of flexibility in teaching arrangement among teachers without affecting the teaching order and effect.The time conflict can be avoided during teachers' activities of teaching,teacher-training,academic exchanges,scientific research and engineering practice.
作者 袁向荣
出处 《高等建筑教育》 2011年第5期105-108,共4页 Journal of Architectural Education in Institutions of Higher Learning
基金 教育部高等学校特色专业建设点建设项目 国家精品课程资助项目 广东省精品课程资助项目 广州市精品课程资助项目 广州市高校教学团队建设项目 广州市高等学校教育教学改革立项项目资助
关键词 本科教学 双教师任课 调课 教学改革 undergraduate course teaching two teachers in one professional course class adjustment teaching reform
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