
基于ISM模型的现代远程教育系统的结构分析 被引量:2

Structural Analysis of Modern Distance Educational System Based on ISM Method
摘要 现代远程教育系统是由相互联系、相互作用的要素及子系统构成的一个特殊的开放复杂巨系统。为了更好地建设和应用符合我国国情的现代远程教育系统,文章基于系统科学和复杂性科学的思想,深入分析远程教育系统的各个组成要素及子系统,采用ISM技术研究系统要素的内部关联关系,建立了现代远程教育系统的解释结构模型,实现系统结构的层次化分析,对我国现代远程教育系统的构建、应用和研究具有重要的借鉴意义和参考价值。 Modem distance educational system is a special open complex giant system with enormous components and anfractuous relationship between them. In order to better construction and application of our modem distance educational system, we analyzed its components and subsystems, studied the internal correlative relationship between various system elements based on theories of system science and complexity science, built interpretative structural model of the system on the basement of ISM method, and realized the hierarchy of system structure, which has an important value to the construction, application and research of modem distance educational system in China.
作者 李慧
出处 《现代教育技术》 CSSCI 2011年第9期79-83,共5页 Modern Educational Technology
基金 国家社会科学基金(编号:10CTQ012) 北京市属高等学校人才强教深化计划项目(编号:PHR201108137)资助
关键词 解释结构模型 现代远程教育系统 结构分析 ISM modem distance educational system structural analysis
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