

Demonstration Basis and Goal of Rousseau's Politics of Virtue
摘要 卢梭倡导一种以保全和行使政治自由为核心目标的美德政治学说,政治自由是政治美德得以成长的基础。他首先考察了自然状态下人类质朴的自由,目的是为衡量社会文明状态下人们德行的腐败提供一个参照系,并说明德行腐败的原因是由于人类科学和艺术的发展,使得人类脱离了自然的质朴,而变得虚伪、狡诈、凶残,形成了一种人奴役人的所谓文明制度。他主张,要在社会文明状态下,重新使人们获得自由,并把人们培养成为有政治美德的公民,就必须通过订立社会公约而建立一个人民的政治共同体,一个道德的集体、一个公共的大我。所以,美德观念位于他的政治观念的核心地带。这种政治建构有一种纯粹理想的性质,必须警惕人们把这种理想看作可以通过当下行动而达到的政治现实。 Rousseau declaimed a kind of politics of virtue centered on protection and performance of political liberty on which political virtues' flourishing is based.He investigated men's purity in the state of nature,which can measure the degrees of human's corruption of character in a civilized society.Due to the development of science and art,human beings go far away from the natural purity and become hypocritical,deceitful and cruel,and construct so-called civilized institutions of enslavement.He claimed that in order to regain freedom and cultivate people into virtuous citizens,we should build a people's political community,a moral group and a public self through making a social contract.The idea of virtue is at the heart of his political system.Rousseau's political thought is an ideal one,we should be alert that someone will take this ideal as a political reality which we can achieve immediately by some actions.
作者 詹世友
出处 《南昌大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第5期18-32,共15页 Journal of Nanchang University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"美德政治学的功能及其限度"(09BZX051)
关键词 卢梭 美德政治学 理想性 Rousseau politics of virtue ideality
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