

The Buddhist and Indean Origins of Luo Guanzhong's History of Late Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties
摘要 《残唐五代史演义传》写"英雄的出生",来自对佛经菩萨成长历程的描写;英雄出生的"异香",受到印度香文化的浸染。女性从贫贱之中"慧眼识英雄",与印度男女遇合故事"乾达婆方式"相似;英雄"睡显真形"的出场预示,来自印度神话与佛教思维触发下的"妖化真相"、"元神出游"描写等。该小说吸收了宋末元初多民族交融的文化变迁时代的异质文化因子,借以塑造草野英雄形象并暗示其崛起的必然性。 The novel History of Late Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties is the description about 'the birth of heroes ',about the process of growth of Bodhisattva in Buddhist Scripture,about heroes' birth with 'strange fragrance',and about Indian Incense Culture influences on those heroes.It also describes how women use 'discerning eyes telling the greatness from mediocrity' in the poor and lowly situation which is similar to the meeting of the men and women in 'Gandharva way' in Indian stories.The description about the appearance of the heroes ——'sleeping displays the true shape' can be traced back to the Indian myth and Buddhist thought of 'demonizing the truth' and 'soul traveling'.This novel absorbs the factors of national integration in a blend of cultural transition era——in the end of Song dynasty and the beginning of Yuan dynasty in order to shape the nongovernmental hero images and implied inevitability cause.
作者 王立
出处 《东疆学刊》 CSSCI 2011年第4期17-21,111,共5页 Dongjiang Journal
基金 2002年国家社会科学基金项目:"古代小说母题与佛经文学比较研究" 项目批准号:02BZW022
关键词 《残唐五代史演义传》 佛经 印度 渊源 History of Late Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties motif of gaining fame and fortune,Indian myth,Buddhist stories,exchanges between China and foreign countries
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