
流体绕流不同方向振动圆柱换热特性数值分析 被引量:15

Heat transfer characteristic of a vibrating cylinder with fluid flow
摘要 基于Fluent动网格及UDF编程技术对二维流场中振动圆柱的换热特性进行了研究,分析了来流速度及圆柱振动方向对其换热特性的影响。数值计算结果表明,相比于静止圆柱换热,当圆柱的最大振动速度远大于来流速度时,其振动强化传热效果显著;随着流速的增大,振动圆柱的强化传热效果降低,当流速为圆柱最大振动速度的4倍时,圆柱传热效果仅增强1.2%。另外,对相等流速下的圆柱沿不同方向的振动换热特性研究表明,振动方向对圆柱强化换热的影响不显著。 Heat transfer characteristic of a vibrating cylinder in two-dimensional fluid flow was numerically investigated using the dynamic meshing and UDF programming technology via Fluent CFD software.The influences of flow velocity and the vibrating direction of the cylinder on its heat transfer were discussed.The numerical results showed that comparing with the still cylinder heat transfer,when the flow velocity is much smaller than the maximum cylinder vibrating speed,the cylinder vibration has a significant influence on its heat transfer enhancement;and the influence is reduced with increase in the flow velocity;when the flow velocity is 4 times as the max cylinder vibrating speed,the cylinder heat transfer effect grows only 1.2%.It was also shown that the vibrating direction has less influence on heat transfer enhancement when the cylinder vibrates along different directions with the same flow velocity.
出处 《振动与冲击》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2011年第10期221-223,共3页 Journal of Vibration and Shock
基金 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)资助(2007CB206900)
关键词 圆柱绕流 强化换热 圆柱振动 flow across cylinder heat transfer enhancement cylinder vibrating
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