
心理契约履行与情绪耗竭的关系研究 被引量:2

Research on the Relationship between Psychological Contract Fulfillment and Emotional Exhaustion
摘要 基于激励理论,针对劳动合同缺失或者不完善的小企业,探讨心理契约履行、分配公平感、薪酬满意度和情绪耗竭之间的关系。以广州理发美发企业的非技术型员工为例,采用结构方程模型(LISREL8.70)对196个样本进行数据拟合,结果显示:心理契约履行对薪酬满意度有显著正向影响,薪酬满意度对情绪耗竭有显著负向影响,分配公平感在心理契约履行和薪酬满意度之间起到完全中介的作用。 Based on motivation theories, and focusing on the small enterprises that lack labor contract, the paper discusses the relationships between psychological contract fulfillment, perceived distributive justice, pay satisfaction and emotional exhaustion. It takes the non-skilled employees of small hairdressing businesses in Guangzhou as the example, and applies the structure equation modeling (LISREL 8.70) to analyze the data of 196 samples. The results show that psychological contract fulfillment is positively related to pay satisfaction, pay satisfaction is positively related to emotional exhaustion, and perceived distributive justice is a full mediator between psychological contract fulfillment and pay satisfaction.
作者 刘继红 李敏
出处 《广东商学院学报》 北大核心 2011年第5期35-40,共6页 Journal of Guangdong University of Business Studies
基金 广东省哲学社会科学"十一五"规划2008年度项目(08E-08)
关键词 心理契约履行 分配公平感 薪酬满意度 情绪耗竭 psychological contract fulfillment perceived distributive justice pay satisfaction emotional exhaustion
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