对糖度为24%,26%,28%的样品发酵过程中的酒精度、pH值、糖度值和发酵结束后的色度进行测定,根据测定结果和感官评定对产品酒精度、口感、风味、色泽进行分析.结果表明:最终酒精含量随着糖添加量的增加而增加,pH值随着糖添加量的增加而降低.色度中CIE a*值、CIE b*值和CIE L*值都随着糖添加量的增加而增加.感官评定结果,糖添加量为28%的山草莓果酒好于其它处理.从理化特性﹑感官特性的角度来看,山草莓糖添加量以28%为宜.
Experiments mainly on the sample of sugar content is 24%, 26%, 28% ,tested the physical and chemical properties,such as alcohol content, pH value and total soluble solids. And take the sensory characteristics research. The results showed that the final alcohol content and total soluble solids increases following the addition of sugar increases, but the final pH value with the addition of sugar decreases. Color in a* , b* and L* values with the 28% addition of sugar is the best. From physical and chemical properties and sensory point, the wine adding 28% of sugar is the most suitable.
Agricultural Science Journal of Yanbian University