
基于代数重构技术的对流层水汽层析 被引量:13

Ground-based GPS water vapor tomography based on algebraic reconstruction technique
摘要 以上海地区GPS综合应用网为研究对象,研究了代数重构技术中的代数重构算法(ART)、乘法代数重构算法(MART)和联合迭代重构算法(SIRT)的理论,以及3种算法用于对流层水汽层析解算的可行性,并采用模拟仿真的方法进行实验讨论其有效性。通过模拟仿真实验发现,3种重构算法能够应用于对流层水汽的三维层析,收敛较快,结果比较可靠,能够给出水汽密度的空间分布以及垂直轮廓线,同时给出了松弛因子的合理取值范围,水汽密度初值的选取方法。 The algebraic reconstruction technique family,including Algebraic Reconstruction Techniques(ART),Multiplicative Algebraic Reconstruction Techniques(MART),Simultaneous Iterative Reconstruction Techniques(SIRT),was studied to reconstruct the three-dimensional distribution of water vapor in this article.The simulation experiment was carried out on Shanghai GPS network.The results show that the algebraic reconstruction technology family can work effectively in water vapor tomography,get rapid convergence,and implement more easily.The range of relaxation factor and the initial value of iteration were also given in the article.
作者 王维 王解先
出处 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第11期3149-3151,3156,共4页 journal of Computer Applications
关键词 层析 代数重构算法 乘法代数重构算法 联合迭代重构算法 迭代 tomography Algebraic Reconstruction Techniques(ART) Multiplicative Algebraic Reconstruction Techniques(MART) Simultaneous Iterative Reconstruction Techniques(SIRT) iteration
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