
组织文化类型的影响及调节效应分析 被引量:1

Study on the effects of organizational culture types and the moderators
摘要 以59家电子企业中的311位管理者为研究样本,考察了组织文化类型对管理者的职业满意度和离职倾向的影响。研究结果表明:不同组织文化类型中的管理者的职业满意度和离职倾向差异显著,并且组织规模对组织文化类型与职业满意度的关系具有调节作用。 This study investigates the effects of types of organizational culture on managers' career satisfaction and turnover intention by a sample of 311 managers from 59 electronic related corporations. The results show that there are significant differences in managers' career satisfaction and turnover intention among different organizational culture types, and the firm size moderates the relationship between the organizational culture types and the managers' career satisfaction.
作者 李霞
出处 《科技与管理》 2011年第5期83-88,共6页 Science-Technology and Management
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年项目(08JC630049)
关键词 组织文化类型 职业满意度 离职倾向 organizational culture type career satisfaction turnover intention
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