

The Archetype of Eden Temptation in "The Chrysanthemums" and Steinbeck's Concept in Composition
摘要 斯坦贝克在创作中常常使用原型意象,由于他谙熟圣经,圣经原型频繁出现在其作品中。伊甸园、夏娃、撒旦和智慧果作为圣经中的著名原型,出现在短篇小说《菊花》中。不同于弥尔顿《失乐园》塑造的关于夏娃、亚当和撒旦的史诗,《菊花》中的菊花园有伊甸园的影子,夏娃和撒旦分别以爱丽莎和补锅人体现出来;代表着精神追求,对欣赏菊花美的认可是智慧果的象征。小说体现了斯坦贝克的非目的论创作观,作者借此谴责现实生活中践踏美、忽视精神生活的现象,对爱丽莎这类独自面对精神追求的人们的孤独境遇深表同情。 John Steinbeck is a frequent user of archetypes in his works. And his intimate knowledge of the Bible adds to the biblical images in his composition. The well-known images of the Garden of Eden, Eve, Satan and the fruit of knowledge of good and evil are found in his short story "The Chrysanthemums", respectively symbolized by the chrysanthemums garden, Elisa, the repairer and the approval of spiritual pursuit. This is different from John Milton's portrait of Adam, Eve and Satan in Paradise Lost. As an embodiment of Steinbeck's non-teleological thinking, "The'Chrysanthemums" is used to condemn the phenomenon of the destruction of beauty and the neglect of mental pursuit. Besides, Steinbeck shows great sympathy for those lonely Elisas who seek their spiritual Eden in a solitary way.
作者 倪小山
出处 《重庆交通大学学报(社会科学版)》 2011年第5期72-75,共4页 Journal of Chongqing Jiaotong University:Social Sciences Edition
关键词 原型 伊甸园 精神追求 非目的论 archetype Eden spiritual pursuit non-teleological thinking
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