既有框架校舍由于所建年代不同,设计所依据的抗震规范不一样,因而其抗震性能好坏呈现年代性。Pushover方法是一种静力弹塑性分析方法,广泛应用于结构抗震性能分析,本文通过三个依据不同抗震规范设计的框架模型进行Pushover分析,研究不同时期框架校舍抗震性能的差异。研究结果表明,早期按TJ 11-78设计的框架校舍抗震性能较差,后来按GB J11-89设计的框架校舍抗震性能有较大提高,目前按GB 50011-2001设计的框架校舍抗震性能最好。
Existing framework school buildings built in differe nt age,designed according to different codes for seismic design of buildings,so their seismic performance have epoch character obviously.The pushover method is a static elastic-plastic analysis,used widely in study of structure seismic p erformance.This paper study seismic performance of three different school build ings built in different age designed by three seismic codes by Pushover analysis.The results show that,compared with model designed by GB J11-78,the seismic performance of model designed by TJ 11-89 are improved obviously,the model de signed by GB 50011-2001 is best.
Journal of Civil Engineering and Management