
2008-2010年广西边境地区流感和人禽流感监测结果分析 被引量:3

Surveillance of influenza and human avian influenza virus in border area in Guangxi,2008-2010
摘要 目的对广西壮族自治区(广西)8个边境市(县)所属的综合性医院不明原因肺炎、病原待查重症肺炎和流感样病例开展病原学监测,了解广西边境地区流感病毒优势株及其变化,探索广西边境地区流感流行规律,为科学防控边境地区流感和人禽流感提供依据。方法在边境地区医院设置监测点,开展相关病例监测,提取监测病例咽拭子标本病毒核酸,反转录合成cDNA,多重PCR扩增目的基因,电泳检测扩增产物;采用细胞培养法分离鉴定流感病毒;采集从事饲养、销售和屠宰家禽的职业人群的静脉血34份,通过血凝抑制实验进行禽流感H5亚型抗体检测。结果 2008年广西边境地区分离到6株流感病毒,其中B型5株,H1N1亚型1株;2009年分离到33株流感病毒,其中B型17株,H3N2亚型8株,H1N1亚型2株,甲型H1N1 6株;2010年分离到流感毒株130株,其中B型55株,H3N2亚型49株,H1N1亚型1株,甲型H1N1 25株;2008-2010年检测不明原因肺炎、病原待查的重症肺炎标本9份,人禽流感核酸和多重呼吸道病毒核酸检测均为阴性;采集从事饲养、销售和屠宰家禽的职业人群血样本34份,未检出H5N1亚型禽流感病毒抗体阳性的标本。结论 2008年和2009年广西边境地区的流感优势株为B型流感毒株,2010年为B型和H3N2亚型流感毒株;从有限的不明原因肺炎和病原待排查的重症肺炎病例标本中未检出禽流感病毒;禽流感H5亚型在职业暴露人群中未发现隐性感染。进一步加强对广西边境地区的流感和人禽流感病原学监测工作,对广西的流感和人禽流感的防控工作有重要意义。 Objective To understand the predominant influenza virus strain and its variation in border area in Guangxi and provide scientific evidence for the prevention and control of influenza and human avian influenza virus.Methods In the border area,the etiological surveillance was conducted among the cases of pneumonia/severe pneumonia with unknown origin by collecting their throat swabs to extract viral nucleic acid for PCR and influenza virus isolation and identification were conducted among influenza like illness cases in the sentinel hospitals,and the blood samples were taken from the people with occupational exposure to poultry to detect antibody of avian influenza A(H5N1) by using hemagglutination inhibition test.Results A total of 6 strains of influenza viruses were isolated in 2008,including 5 strains of B virus and 1 strain of A(H1N1) virus,thirty-three strains of influenza viruses were isolated in 2009,including 17 strains of B virus,eight strains of A(H3N2) virus,two strains of A(H1N1) virus and 6 strains of pandemic A(H1N1) virus,and 130 strains of influenza viruses were isolated in 2010,including 55 strains of B virus,forty-nine strains of A(H3N2) virus,one strain of A(H1N1) virus and 25 strains of pandemic A(H1N1) virus;During 2008-2010,nine samples from the cases of pneumonia/severe pneumonia with unknown origin were detected,all the samples were negative in detection of avian influenza virus and multiplex PCR for respiratory viruses,34 blood samples from the people with occupational exposure to poultry were detected,but no antibody of avian influenza virus was detected.Conclusion The predominant strains were influenza B virus in 2008 and 2009,influenza A(H3N2) and influenza B viruses in 2010 in border area in Guangxi.No avian influenza virus was detected in the samples from the cases of pneumonia/severe pneumonia with unknown origin and no inapparent infection of avian influenza virus was detected in people with occupational exposure to poultry It is important to strengthen the etiological surveillance of influenza and avian influenza for the prevention and control of the diseases in border area in Guangxi.
出处 《疾病监测》 CAS 2011年第9期694-697,共4页 Disease Surveillance
关键词 人禽流感病毒 病毒分离 人禽流感监测 human avian influenza virus virus isolation surveillance of human infection with avian influenza virus
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