目的 探讨应用硅凝胶乳房假体矫正臀部形态不良的方法及其临床可行性.方法 于尾骨点以上沿臀间沟处作手术切口,剥离皮下组织,沿臀大肌起点处切开,于臀大肌下间隙、臀中肌及梨状肌以上钝性剥离,置入合适的硅凝胶乳房假体,留置负压引流,分层缝合.自2007年1月至2010年10月,对26例臀部形态不良者进行假体丰臀治疗.结果 本组26例求美者,术后随访6~43个月,臀部外观挺拔,手感佳.术后1例切口愈合不良,经换药后愈合.无血肿、感染、假体破裂等并发症发生.结论 应用圆形硅凝胶乳房假体改善臀部不良外观,术式安全、有效,能获得较持久的塑形效果.
Objective To explore the operative technique and clinical feasibility of buttock reshaping by gluteal augmentation with silicone gel prosthesis implant. Methods The operative incision was designed before the coccyx along groove between buttocks. Surgery was performed by cutting along the beginning of musculus gluteus maximus, blunt separate by musculus gluteus maximus space before musculus glutaeus medius and museulus piriformis, then choose suitable silicon gel.breast prostheses put into buttock and indwell negative pressure drainage. Then suture on different tissue strata. From January 2007 to October 2010, 26 patients were treated in this study. Results After 6 to 43 months follow-up in all 26 cases, the bad morphology of buttock was corrected and handle was good. Only one case got incision healing badly postoperatively, then the wound heals gradually after change dress. There were not complications such as infection, hematoma and implant rupture. Conclusion It is a safe and effective operation for correcting bad morphology of buttock by gluteal augmenta- tion with silicone gel prosthesis implant.
Chinese Journal of Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery
Caved buttock
Saggy buttock
Gluteal augmentation
Silicone gel prosthesis