
一种Ad Hoc网中相邻节点的匿名认证与安全通信方案 被引量:1

A new anonymous authentication and secure communication scheme among neighbor nodes in Ad Hoc network
摘要 随着无线传感器网络(WSN)的广泛应用,在某些场合不仅需要保证传送信息的安全性,还需要保证节点在传送信息过程中的匿名性和私有性,如何设计出安全有效的无线传感器网络匿名通信协议已成为当前研究的热点.本文提出与设计了一种新型链路层通信与接入认证的匿名安全方案.本方案考虑了随机化物理层唯一身份指纹MAC地址、节点入网权限以及动态撤销.其特点是:利用基于身份的加密方案实现系统中节点的身份隐藏;利用基于多项式的密钥发布方案实现节点入网权限的动态回收;利用压缩的Bloom Filter可在身份隐藏情况下对恶意节点的行为进行追踪.最后分析了本方案在攻击方采用主动攻击和被动攻击方式下的安全性与匿名性. With the widespread applications of large scale distributed Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), in some situations, the security of WSN involves not only the security of sending data by sensors, but also the anonymity and privacy during the sending process. How to design a secure efficient anonymous communication scheme for wireless sensor network has become a research hotspot. In this paper a new anonymous authentication and secure communication scheme among neighbor nodes in wireless sensor network, which take care of random MAC and access dynamic withdrawing, is presented. There are three characters of our scheme as follows, one is node's anonymous by Identify-based Encryption, the other is dynamic revocation capability of node's access for wireless sensor network by efficient self-heal- ing group key distribution, and the another is tradeoff for malicious node under identify anonymous by compressed bloom filters. Finally, the security and anonymous of our algorithm are analysed.
作者 石伟 谭良
出处 《四川大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第5期1047-1052,共6页 Journal of Sichuan University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(6097011) 四川省青年科技基金(2011JQ0038)
关键词 双向认证 BLOOM Filter 基于身份的密码系统 匿名性 移动自组网络 double authentication, Bloom Filter, identify-based encryption system, anonymous, Ad Hoc network
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