Realizing the great revival of the Chinese people is the dream pursued with efforts by the Chinese people in modern times,which is also the real value goal that the CPC members have as an innate mission and having struggled for.In the period of New Democracy Revolution,the CPC united and led the whole nation with each nationality to complete the national independence and people's liberation,which offered the prerequisite for realizing the great revival of the Chinese people.After the founding of the People's Republic of China,the Party accomplished the transmission from the New Democracy Revolution to Socialism,realizing the greatest and deepest social reform in Chinese history,and starting the historical course on the socialist road for realizing the great revival of the Chinese people.Since the 3rd Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee,the Party has found the right road to construct the socialism with Chinese characteristics,offering the Chinese people strength for their great revival.The great revival of the Chinese people demonstrates a bright future.
Journal of Guizhou Normal University(Social Sciences)