
中国干细胞研究资助模式浅析 被引量:1

Analysis of Stem Cell Research Supporting Model Based on National Basic Research Program of China
摘要 干细胞研究是当前生物医学领域最具前景的研究方向之一。经过国家973计划和国家重大科学研究计划十年部署,已经形成我国干细胞研究的基本布局,积聚了一批优秀人才,并获得了一些代表性成果。鉴于干细胞研究是一种具有明确目标导向的战略性研究领域,下一步我国应该加大对干细胞研究的支持,进一步强化干细胞国家重大科学研究计划的作用,通过加强顶层设计、改进管理模式、推动人才队伍建设和加强对外合作等方式,促进政产学研协调发展。 Stem cell research is one of the most promising areas in biomedicine.By the 10-year arrangement of National Basic Research Program of China(973 Program,NBRP),the projects supported by NBRP has covered the basic stem cell research areas,attracted numbers of excellent people and obtained lots of achievements.As stem cell is one goal orientated strategic product in future,we should give more support and strengthen the role of NBRP in the stem cell research.By promoting top-level design,developing management mode,improving the stem cell scientists' quality and expanding the international cooperation,we can accelerate the balanced development of government-industry-university-research institute unity.
出处 《中国基础科学》 2011年第4期31-35,共5页 China Basic Science
基金 国家软科学研究计划"我国基础研究领域若干重大问题研究"(2010GXS1B023)
关键词 干细胞 国家重大科学研究计划 政产学研结合 Stem cell National Basic Research Program of China Government-industry-university-research institute unity
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