
激光表面织构机械密封润滑特性的试验研究 被引量:18

Experiment research on lubrication properties of laser surface texturing mechanical seal
摘要 采用调Q半导体泵浦YAG激光器,利用'单脉冲同点间隔多次'激光加工工艺在密封环端面加工具有环形阵列分布的微凹坑织构.在机械密封计算机辅助试验装置上,进行了激光表面织构机械密封与普通机械密封的试样的对比摩擦性能试验,研究了激光表面织构技术在不同的密封介质压力和转速等工况下对机械密封的润滑特性的影响.结果表明:在试验范围内,激光表面织构技术对于改善机械密封润滑特性的作用主要受密封介质压力的影响,转速的影响则相对较小.与无织构机械密封相比,在较低密封介质压力的条件下(0.2 MPa),激光表面织构机械密封能显著改善润滑特性,摩擦转矩最大可减小60%,转速对摩擦扭矩的影响不大.在较高密封介质压力的条件下(0.8 MPa),转速对摩擦扭矩的影响起到较大的作用,只有当转速达到一临界值时激光表面织构机械密封才能够起到改善润滑的作用,且作用较小. By using a Q switched light-pumped Nd: YAG laser and the laser processing technology called "single pulse at a time,repeated at intervals",the regular network of micro-dimples were textured on one of the seal end face.The tribological properties of laser surface textured mechanical seal as well as untextured mechanical seal were comparatively investigated under different sealed pressure and rotation speed on a computer aided testing device for mechanical seals.Experimental results show that within the experimental limits,the effect of laser surface texturing on improving the lubrication properties of mechanical seals is largely susceptible to the sealed medium pressure,but the influence of rotation speed is relative low.A comparison of the performance of laser surface textured mechanical seal with that of a baseline,untextured mechanical seal,is presented showing that laser surface textured mechanical seal can significantly improve the lubrication properties and the friction torque can be reduced at most 60% under the lower sealed medium pressure(such as 0.2 MPa).However,under the higher medium sealed pressure(such as 0.8 MPa),laser surface textured mechanical seal can improve the lubrication properties only when the rotation speed reached a critical value,and the effect is slightly lesser.
出处 《排灌机械工程学报》 EI 2011年第5期427-431,共5页 Journal of Drainage and Irrigation Machinery Engineering
基金 江苏省科技支撑计划项目(BE2010060) 江苏省科技成果转化专项基金资助项目(BA2010068)
关键词 机械密封 激光表面织构 润滑 摩擦转矩 密封介质压力 mechanical seal laser surface texturing lubrication friction torque sealed pressure
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