目的建立基于中国可视化人体(CVH)数据集和双源CT数据集的心脏三维可视化模型,并观察其特点。方法选取中国首套可视化人体数据集心脏断面及临床双源螺旋CT心脏造影数据集,运用体绘制和面绘制的方法,在Amira 5.2.1软件上建立基于上述两种数据集的心脏三维可视化模型,并对其各自特点进行对比研究。结果基于CVH数据集的心脏三维可视化模型在图像质量、解剖信息量、细微解剖结构显示方面优于基于双源CT数据集的心脏三维可视化模型,但基于双源CT数据集的心脏三维可视化模型在源数据获取的简便性、个体解剖特异性、细小血管显示(尤以冠状动脉细小分支明显)方面占据优势。结论以CVH和双源CT数据集为基础构建的心脏三维可视化模型各具优劣,且相互补充,采用两种模型共同显示,可为临床提供丰富而全面的心脏三维可视化影像平台。
Objective To establish 3D visible heart models based on Chinese visible human(CVH) and dual-source CT(DSCT),and to discuss the features of them.Methods Sectional images collected from CVH and DSCT datasets were used to establish the models of visible heart.With the volume rendering and surface rendering construction,the virtual models were established by the Amira software,and their characteristics were observed and compared.Results Virtual models established based on CVH datasets were better than that based on DSCT on the aspects of imaging quality,anatomical information quantity and display of tiny anatomical structures,but were inferior to DSCT models on convenient of source data obtaining and coronary artery tree observation.Conclusion All the models established based on CVH and DSCT have their own advantages and mutual complementation.Combining up of them will apply a solid basement of an abundant and comprehensive platform of virtual heart.
Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging Technology