
烧伤临床营养新理念:从营养支持到营养治疗 被引量:17

A new concept of nutrition in treatment of burn injury: from nutrition support to nutrition therapy
摘要 1968年Dudrick与Wilmore创立的全胃肠外营养(TPN),为肠道功能障碍或衰竭的患者提供了有效的营养支持,解决了重症患者临床治疗的一大难题,被誉为现代临床营养的里程碑。 For many years, the major concerns in the treatment of a major burn injury have always been shock resuscitation, infection control, and wound treatment, while nutrition has been considered as a subordinate concern. The concept of nutrition in the treatment of a major burn has been recognized as "nutrition support", only with the purpose of restraining negative nitrogen balance through administration of energy and prorein, in order to prevent malnutrition in patients with severe burn. In recent 10 years, however, increasing evidences have showed that optimal nutritional management could improve the outcome of severe burn patients. Now it is recognized that nutrition is not only to provide exogenous nutrients to improve nutritional status of the patients, but also In regulate cell metabolism, enhance cell aclivity, maintain and uphold the structure and function of the gastrointestinal mucosa, thus to improve patient's outcome. Therefore, the term of "nutrition support" seems to be far from comprehensiveness to reflect the purpose and the ahn of this important treatment strategy. Medical literatures especially those in nutritional guidelines have begun to use the term of " nutrition therapy" instead of " nutrition support", which typifies the changes in nutritional concept, aim, means, and clinical evaluation. The aim of nutrition has changed from simply "providing nutritional substrate and in)proving nutritional status of patients" to " regulating cell metabolism, maintaining organ structure and function, anti ultimately improving outcome of patient". Meanwhile, nutritional means has been more consummate, including special nutrients, hormones, and growth factors, in addition It) use of conventional nutrients, in order to enhance therapeutic effect of nutrition in treatment of massive burn injury. Burn nutrition is no longer confined to maintenance of positive nitrogen balance, it should also consider the regulation of cell activity, metabolic status, immune and organ function. The purpose of the article is to analyze and discuss the important issues concerning nutrition therapy in treatment of burn injury, including risk screening, optimal energy supply and ratioof different nutritional ingredients, the choice of special nutrient, as well as the determination of optimal time for giving various nutritional supplements.
作者 彭曦 汪仕良
出处 《中华烧伤杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第5期329-331,共3页 Chinese Journal of Burns
基金 基金项目:卫生部公益性行业专项基金(201202002) 第三军医大学临床创新基金(2009XLC10)
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