
产品伤害中网络与企业响应对顾客感知风险的影响 被引量:4

The Influence of Internet and Enterprise Response on Customer Perceived Risk under the Case of Product-Harm Crisis
摘要 随着网络媒体的日渐盛行,网络对企业和顾客的影响也越来越大。文章通过两个现场实验,分析了产品伤害危机中网络与企业响应以及网络信息不同呈现方式对顾客感知风险的影响。研究结果表明,面对正面网络响应,企业积极响应和无响应对顾客感知风险的缓解要优于企业消极响应;而面对负面的网络响应,企业积极响应优于无响应或消极响应。网络信息都是正面时,顾客感知风险最低,网络信息先负后正时,顾客感知风险要小于先正后负。 With the rapid development of internet media,network becomes more and more important for enterprises and customers.This paper tests the influences of internet,enterprise response and presentational mode of internet information on customer perceived risk through two field experiments.The result of case one suggests that no response or a positive response of enterprise is better than a negative response for decreasing customer perceived risk under the positive internet response,and a positive response of enterprise is better than no response or a negative response under the negative internet response.The result of case two shows that customer perceived risk is lowest when all the internet information are positive,while the internet information is firstly positive and then negative,the customer perceived risk is lower than the case where the internet information is firstly negative and then positive.
出处 《商业经济与管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第10期51-59,共9页 Journal of Business Economics
基金 国家自然科学基金项目资助(70972018) 教育部人文社科项目资助(10YJC630227)
关键词 产品伤害危机 网络响应 信息呈现方式 顾客感知风险 product-harm crisis internet response presentational mode of information customer perceived risk
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