
火星自然卫星分析历表的建立 被引量:1

On Construction of the Analytical Ephemerides of the Natural Satellites of the Mars
摘要 为了解环火星探测器的运动规律,就要构造环火星探测器的轨道分析解,这会涉及2个火星自然卫星的分析历表,因而需要首先构造它们的轨道分析解。由于火星与地球类似,参照建立人造地球卫星轨道摄动解的方法,构造火星自然卫星轨道的摄动分析解,分离出短周期项,即可给出所需要的历表计算公式。将其与JPL网站上提供的历表进行比对,结果表明,所采用的数学模型以及构造轨道摄动解的方法均有效,能够达到期望的精度。 Construction of the orbit analytical solution of a Mars orbiter is a must for the study of its law of motion.This will involve the analytical ephemerides of the two natural satellites of Mars,Phobos and Deimos,and their orbit analytical solutions should be constructed first.Considering the similarity of the Mars and the earth,the method used in artificial earth satellites is used to construct the analytical solutions of Phobos and Deimos.The formulas of analytical ephemerides are obtained by removing the short-period terms from analytical solutions.The ephemerides are in good agreement with the ephemerides from JPL website.The result verifies validity of the mathematical model and the method used to construct the analytical solution with desired accuracy.
作者 喻圣贤 刘林
出处 《飞行器测控学报》 2011年第5期60-65,共6页 Journal of Spacecraft TT&C Technology
关键词 火卫一 火卫二 摄动分析解 分析历表 JPL历表 Phobos Deimos Analytical Solution Analytical Ephemeris JPL Ephemeris
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