
在轨服务的相对运动耦合动力学建模与分析 被引量:3

Relative Motion Coupled Dynamic Modeling and Analysis of On-Orbit Servicing
摘要 研究在轨服务航天器逼近与捕获目标航天器的相对轨道姿态耦合动力学建模问题。考虑航天器姿态与对接位置的运动耦合,建立目标运行在任意轨道下的相对轨道姿态耦合动力学模型,并对模型中的运动耦合进行深入分析。设计一种非线性的输出反馈姿态控制律,将建立耦合动力学模型与CW方程进行仿真比较,验证轨道与姿态的运动耦合对两航天器对接点之间相对位置的运动影响。 This paper studies coupled relative orbit and attitude dynamic modeling when an on-orbit servicing spacecraft approaches and captures a target spacecraft.The attitude dynamic model of the servicing spacecraft with respect to the target is established.Taking into consideration the relative motion between the docking position and mass center of the target spacecraft as well as coupled motion between spacecraft attitude and docking position,coupled relative orbit and attitude dynamic model is established with the target in an arbitrary orbit.In-depth analysis of the coupled motion of the model is given.A nonlinear output feedback attitude control law is designed and numerical simulation for the coupled dynamic model and CW equation is performed to demonstrate the motion effect of the relative position between the docking points of the two spacecraft induced by motion coupling of orbit and attitude.
出处 《飞行器测控学报》 2011年第5期66-71,共6页 Journal of Spacecraft TT&C Technology
关键词 在轨服务 交会对接 轨道姿态耦合 动力学建模 姿态控制 CW方程 On-Orbit Servicing Rendezvous and Docking Coupled Orbit and Attitude Dynamic Modeling Attitude Control CW Equation
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