半合成抗生素原料药生产废水难降解,治理难度大。通过对半合成抗生素原料药生产过程污水排放节点分析,根据各类污水的性质采用不同的处理方法,回收了产品和溶剂,大幅降低了源头污水量和COD排放量。同时,结合原有污水处理工艺,采用Fenton氧化和膜生物反应器(MBR)处理技术,最终实现排放污水满足COD≤120 mg/L的要求。
It was difficult to treat antibiotic wastewater which originated from the production of raw material with semi-synthesis method. Through the analysis for sewage discharge effluent node in production process, and with different disposal method based on the nature of different sewages, the products and solvents were recovered, and the discharge volume and emission of COD were significantly reduced. Besides, combined with original wastewater treatment process and by using Fenton oxygenation and membrane bioreactor technology, it has been realized to reach the goal that COD≤ 120 mg.
Pharmaceutical Engineering Design